Give me more pluralism to absorb
Satisfy my ravenousness
Serve me plates delicious
Ready made knowledge, no questions to make
Feed me, upload me, keep me updating!
What is real and what is fake?
What conspiracy theory and what a mistake
How can I break the surface, dig deeper, an active reader to become?
Which sources to use?
Who influences them?
To whom are they subjected?
Who censorships them?
Bits and bytes running through my veins
Another article blows my mind
My hard disk fails again
Restore me, fix me, back up me, keep me alive
Massive information attack
Chance to feed my brain
File me, save me, store me again
Giga and tera mess with my mind
On-line, off-line, share to me more knowledge to swallow at once!
Am I wiser more conscious or naif at the end?
My companion pet keeps playing with my judge…
Concept / Role-play: Latrakia
Photo credits: Dimitris Tsiapas