Puppet Theater
Meet my puppets.
This is Mr Bunny the Shy!
And this is Ms Rena the ballerina!
These two are friends!
Mr Shy is the best audience for Ms Rena the ballerina and for her heavily-graceful pirouettes.
Although sometimes they have epic fights each other. Mr Shy wants ice cream and Ms Rena desires chocolate!
A puppet theater from a reused shoe box, handcrafted by Latrakia.
Handmade puppets from felt for creative learning, role playing and exercising imagination.
Concept/ Role play: Latrakia
Photo credits: Dimitris Tsiapas
Not only artistic but also eco-friendly ideas and carbon footprint free.
Indeed! There are so many things around us that we can reuse at practically no cost.
We can be more creative, imaginative and less consumers.
An idea that we ought to make familiar to our students and our children!